Butterfly and yellow rose

A song
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For Today...

'My eyes are dim with weeping'

It has often been observed that unlike the book of Psalms, we have plenty of praise songs but next to nothing for lament. This two line cantor and response song by Alison Adam tackles that head-on.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbNK2IUsbDs - a recording which gives an example of using the song in conjunction with prayers of lament.


Recent links

'Shepherd, Lead me - I will follow'

A simple yet powerful song which can be useful in a number of contexts.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcq7v47dLkE - an extended 'big' version of this song.


'In Love You Summon'

This song from John Bell manages to say an awful lot in 4 lines.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucIrfFZPDaA - in 4 part harmony.


'The King of Love my Shepherd is'

My preferred paraphrase of this Psalm. HW Baker gets it right were the KJV gets it wrong.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_C0NqAXasE - piano and solo voice. A recording that (unlike others I've found) doesn't suffer from the problem of being too slow.


'When I survey the Wondrous Cross'

You can sing other tunes for a change, but if you just had to pick one, it would have to be Rockingham.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EikGeNuoBA - More from Songs of Praise. (The last verse is overblown: there's a lot to be said for a more thoughtful, quieter approach.)


'Church of God, elect and glorious'

A traditional-style hymn, which we sing to the tune Lux Eoi, by the masterful Arthur Sullivan.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVSVfRAVjU0 - a lockdown recording, nicely done.


'Name of all Majesty'

One of many useful hymns from Timothy Dudley-Smith.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=COLt5pFH8Kk - led by the All Souls' orchestra. Complete with percussion.


'Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me'

An old but potentially useful short worship song. I use it with a different tune to the original, as I find it easier to mix in.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlpopincjTk - with an alternative tune.


'I will wait'

Thoughtful, useful song by Maggi Dawn. Long sustained bass notes.

www.facebook.com/WhitefieldMethodist/videos/648184942409670/ - an extended version: the arrangement captures the essence of the song.


'One Day You'll Make Everything New'

A Matt Redman song which incorporates the chorus of a late 19th century American hymn.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGAdaGbmfFs - love this version, with just the piano.


'Restore, O Lord'

A Graham Kendrick / Chris Rolinson song - and one that works very well on the organ. Chris Rolinson's keyboard-oriented influence, probably. There are some nice deep sustained pedal notes at the start.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g4p3v06lhk - nice arrangement, with Graham Kendrick singing.


'The Lord's my Shepherd (Townend)'

Stuart Townend's popular song based on Psalm 23.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN4tPkX0MG0 - Stuart Townend leading worship.


'God of Grace, Amazing Wonder'

This rendering is a bit slow for my taste (and has been extended a bit), but it's a superb hymn.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=6crNdna2_4E - by Keith Getty and Jonathan Rea.



Extended beyond the actual blessing, giving it an 'end of service' context.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6cf0V62PSU - Aaronic Blessing from Matt Redman. (This is the recording I learnt it from.)


'The God of Abraham praise'

A good solid old hymn, with a great tune, which we haven't used in a while.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZZAp7FzwXg - a 4 verse version, with a florid introduction.


'All Heaven Declares'

One of those songs where the improvisation opportunities (singing / playing 'in the holes') seem endless... a hallmark of musical quality.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-s9Kk6tfVU - a Robin Mark interpretation - relatively understated - so you can fill it in as you sing along.


'Blessed be the Name of the Lord'

A lively golden oldie, by Clinton Utterbach.



'Praise Him you heavens'

Driving opener, pacey and great fun. (For the keyboard player, plenty of scope to use a variety of sounds. Synth or Hammond on the chorus, as is your taste.)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBo9yIUWEEc - Hillsong Worship live recording.


'All the way my Saviour leads me'

Quality US Victoriana. There's a fair bit packed into the words, and Robert Lowry is perhaps the finest exponent of this musical genre.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnEZyfzkJgs - Grace Community Church, California.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekUELQCnQlM - short version, sung by the Mennonite Hour Singers.


'Let us build a house where love can dwell'

Brilliant, moving, anthemic masterpiece by Marty Haughen.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbyZQnPw-wk - with all the verses, including the 'communion' one.


'Have you heard God's voice'

Jacqueline Jones's powerful and challenging song deserves to be more widely known.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwZAxlHf91o - nice arrangement, presumably tailored for this choir.
travelswithwesley.blogspot.com/2017/07 (...) - a copy of the words.



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